[Recipe] Pumpkin Mochi /[レシピ]カボチャもち


Cheese-filled pumpkin mochi / チーズ入りカボチャもち

[Recipe] Pumpkin mochi


Autumn is pumpkin season. I bought one recently from Rechtstreex, which I wrote about in my previous post. This pumpkin caught my eye because it is a Japanese variety called Yukigeshou. Yuki means snow and geshou make-up. Probably referring to its whitish appearance. While wondering what to do with the pumpkin, I thought of another thing that I really missed: mochi. So I thought, why not make pumpkin mochi. This dish is sometimes found in izakayas (Japanese pubs) in Japan. 

Yukigeshou pumpkin (Japanese variety)


  • pumpkin, peeled and chopped (pompoen): 200g
  • (see note) cornstarch/cornflour (maïszetmeel): 75g
    • or potato starch (aardappelzetmeel): 75g
    • or glutinous rice flour (kleefrijstmeel/ketanmeel): 75g
    • or tapioca flour (tapiocameel): 75g
  • sugar: 1 teaspoon
  • salt: one pinch
  • [optional] cheese

  1. Cook the pumpkins. You can do this any way you want. I normally microwave my chopped vegetables in my silicone steamer. Pumpkins take around 5-6 mins at 1000W. Alternative, steam it or boil it until a fork can easily poke through. I try not to boil my vegetables as I feel like the nutrients are lost in the water.


    My MUJI silicone steamer which I bought years ago. 
    Very handy for cooking things in the microwave quickly.

  2. After that, mash the pumpkins and mix in the flour/starch of your choice, sugar and salt. I used around 75g but this depends on the wetness of the pumpkin as well. My rule of thumb is to add just enough flour/starch such that the dough is no longer sticky

  3.  Divide the dough into bite-size balls.

  4. You can already pan-fry them at this stage but I like to fill them up with cheese. Flour your hands and work surface to prevent sticking. 


  5. After that, flatten the balls and pan-fry them on medium heat with some oil. Then them over to the other side when brown.


  6. And that's it. I usually eat them on their own but they're nice too with some mayo, ketchup, mustard or teriyaki sauce.

Tempting my furry friend. And no, she was not interested.

Note: I try to use what is available at home so I don't have to purposefully buy something I might not use often. I usually have cornflour at home but if I have glutinous rice flour, that would be my preference.

Comparision of the flours/starches

Here are some personal thoughts on the different flours/starches:
  • Cornflour/cornstarch is more or less interchangeable with potato starch. I don't find a huge difference in taste and texture. In Japan, normally katakuriko (potato starch) is used. Both are easily available at regular supermarkets.
  • If you're looking for a more mochi (chewy) texture, I recommend using glutinous rice flour or tapioca flour. They are usually found in Asian supermarkets.
  • For something in between, you could also try mixing the flours. 
  • Using cornflour, potato starch or tapioca flour, the mochi tends to turn hard when it's cold. You have to reheat it for it to taste nice again. Glutinous rice flour mochi tends to remain soft even when cold.  
Cornflour (left) and glutinous rice flour (right)

Thanks for reading! A nice recipe to try, especially if you bought a huge pumpkin like me 😆. 
I would love to hear your comments and suggestions.

You can also find me on Instagram or Facebook. 




  • かぼちゃ、皮をむいて一口大に切る(pompoen):200g
  • (注)コーンスターチ(maïszetmeel):75g
    • または、片栗粉(aardappelzetmeel):75g
    • または、もち米粉(kleefrijstmeel/ketanmeel):75g
    • または、タピオカ粉(tapiocameel):75g
  • 砂糖:小さじ1
  • 塩:1つまみ
  • [オプション]チーズ

  1. カボチャを1000Wのレンジで5~6分チンします。
  2. フォークなどでつぶし、粉類を加えて混ぜます。目安は、生地がちょうどべたつかないまで、でんぷんを加えることです。
  3. 食べやすいサーズに分けます。
  4. この段階で焼いてもいいですが、私はチーズを入れて丸めます。
  5. もちを1cm厚みまで平らにし、中火で熱します。両面がキツネ色つくまで焼きます。
  6. このまま食べても美味しいですが、マヨネーズ、ケチャップ、照り焼きのたれなどをつけてもいいと思います。

(注)家にあるものを使えばいいので、代用品をいくつか紹介しました。わざと買う必要はないと思います。 自分の家に通常コーンスターチが置いていますが、もち粉があったら、それが好みです。


  • コーンスターチは片栗粉と代用しても、 味や食感に大きな違いはありません。オランダで、片栗粉=aardappelzetmeel。普通のスーパーでどっちも簡単に手に入ります。
  • もち粉かタピオカ粉を使えば、よりもちもち食感になると思います。どっちもアジアンスーパーで買えます。
  • 好みの食感に応じて、これらの粉を混ぜてもいいと思います。
  • コーンスターチ、片栗粉、タピオカ粉を使えば、もちが冷めたらと固くなりがちです。 再加熱したらまた柔らかくなります。 もち粉の場合、冷めても柔らかいです。

読んでいただいてありがとうございます。 これが参考になれたらうれしいです。

